Why is Food important?
You are what you eat.
Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease are amongst the greatest health challenges society faces. Understanding how to make the right food choices plays a key role in our health, with the power to positively or negatively impact our risk of disease. Here are some of the importance of food:
– the raw materials that your body needs to make it work and grow are found in the nutrients we eat
– nutrients are the usable portions of food
– the energy that can be obtained from the food we eat is called calories
Can food affect Sex?
Much of the lore surrounding the desire- and performance-enhancing effects of certain foods is anecdotal. But a good diet can help boost your libido and ensure your body is working well. A poor diet can lead to a host of health issues, which may negatively effect your sex life. For example, erectile dysfunction is often linked to obesity and diabetes, which can be caused by a poor diet.
Food is an important part of your everyday life and overall health. So it may not surprise you that your diet can affect your sex life. Changing your eating habits and behaviors may not be a cure-all for sexual issues, but it’s a good place to start.
Give some examples of food that can increase libido
Libido-boosting foods have been a popular staple throughout history. While there is some debate over whether they really work or not, many foods credited with being natural aphrodisiacs do come with their own benefits.
Oysters – one of the most famous foods for getting in the mood (though the slimy texture should be enough to put anyone off). But why is that? High in zinc, oysters and other zinc-high foods including pine nuts, red meat, lobster, and fortified breakfast cereals, help provide high mineral our bodies need for vital, everyday functions. As well as helping our stamina, zinc regulates testosterone levels while helping to increase sperm quality.
Basil – a good source of magnesium and iron, basil may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re thinking of sexy foods, but it can promote better cardiovascular health, improve blood flow, and increase our desire (and ability) to, ahem, perform.
Dark chocolate – more than just a sweet treat, thanks to its phenylethylamine (PEA) or ‘love chemical’ content, dark chocolate can act as a natural aphrodisiac, while the cocoa content can help get your blood pumping and increase blood flow.
Garlic – stinky breath aside, garlic can help improve blood flow, increase iron absorption, and improve circulatory health. Just make sure you aren’t the only one chowing down on this overpowering herb – or you just might risk your evening ending on a more sour note.
Flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds – helping keep hormone production at its peek, these kinds of seeds are packed full of Omega 3 acids which can increase our dopamine and serotonin hormone production. Happier, healthier, and heightened desire all-round.
Are there foods that can boost my stamina during sex?
Yes, there are!
If you’re looking for a way to improve your stamina, there are numerous natural ways to keep things heated for longer. Ensuring your circulation is good can not only lead to an improved sexual response for men and women (as well as benefiting erectile responses), but can also help improve your stamina.
Ensuring your diet includes wholegrains, a wide range of fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, seafood, and healthy oils (olive or sunflower) can all help keep your heart healthy and happy.
If you find your energy flagging, it can also be worth taking stock of how much stress you are under, as well as how much sleep you are getting. Poor quality sleep can be linked to low energy levels, lowering your overall performance and concentration.
If you are experiencing depression, this can also be linked to fatigue and low energy. Experimenting with relaxation techniques, becoming more active, trying mindfulness and meditation, or exploring counselling can all positively impact your overall sense of wellbeing.
What kinds of food are good for men having erectile dysfunction?
Research suggests that eating foods rich in flavonoids may help reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction, with foods such as blueberries and citrus fruits showing particular promise. Increasing your fruit intake can help reduce your risk by up to 14%, while switching towards consuming a more Mediterranean-style diet could both help prevent erectile dysfunction whilst boosting other areas of your sex life.
Why is sex important?
Sex breeds intimacy. Orgasm release oxytocin, the feel-good bonding hormone in your body. Sex helps you feel closer to your partner. It is the most intimate physical act you and your partner can experience. Without it, it’s easy to lose sight of your connection. Relationships and a healthy sex life take constant work. You have to check in with each other and take the temperature of your relationship on a regular basis. Having sex, feeling your partner on top of you, the scent of his or her skin, brings you back into that loving mind-set. Don’t skip out on it just because you’re tired from work and would rather watch television. Having sex will remind both of you what you mean to each other. Always take an opportunity to work sex into your schedule. The more you have it, the happier you’ll be.
What are the benefits of sex?
When you have sex regularly, you have a significant increase in immunoglobulin A, the first fighter in your body’s defense system. That means the more sex you have, the less likely you are to get sick. Intercourse and orgasms also increase the hormone prolactin. Prolactin helps you relax and makes it easier to fall asleep. Research shows that men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month have a lower risk of prostate cancer. While this can be done alone, it’s much more fun with a partner. When you’re looking for a fun way to improve your health, you don’t need to head to the gym. You just need to hit the sheets. Sex improves so many areas of your life, there’s no reason not to do.
How often should I have sex?
There’s no right or wrong answer to this question, and the media may skew our views as to what a “healthy” amount of sex is. Many factors affect how often people have sex, including their age, health, stress, mood, and sexual desires.
A healthy sex life can strengthen your bond with your partner and help keep your relationship healthy. Sex also provides numerous health benefits, such as boosting your mood, lessening stress, strengthening your immune system, lowering your blood pressure, reducing pain, and helping fight heart disease. That being said, only you and your partner can decide how much sex is right for both of you.
What is maintenance sex, and why is it important?
Maintenance sex may not sound like the most titillating thing in the world, but it is crucial to the health of your relationship. When we say maintenance sex, we mean having sex just to have it, even if you don’t feel like doing it. It means keeping the sex up to ensure both people in the relationship are sexually satisfied. Sometimes your partner wants to get it on and all you want to do is catch up on last season of GoT. Sex sounds time-consuming and annoying. Or maybe when you really want to have sex, your partner always seems to be too tired or stressed. In long-term relationships, it’s important to have sex even if you’re not necessarily randy. Maintenance sex shouldn’t be the only kind of sex you’re having, but it should absolutely be on the menu.